Friday, December 4, 2015

EOC Week 9: Food Adventure

Walking along Norman beach in Negril, Jamaica, Phileas entered the bar just off the shoreline. That’s when he noticed her, a young woman sitting alone at the bar, the crowd was big and the music was loud. Phileas started making his way towards the woman, with the caramel complexion and brown hair that ended just past the curve in her back, wearing a sequin top that covered barely anything but just enough to leave a sense of mystery in Phileas’ mind. As he approached her, the bartender slid his cocktail over the bar and directly into his hand. He then winced the notion of buying her another drink and she smiled ever so gently and nodded. He smoothly and awkwardly said “Hello.. my name is Phileas… Phileas Fogg” she shyly smiled and softly said her name “Zaierra” he had never thought that a name that slipped from someone’s lips would sound so beautiful and after that the music overflowed them on the dance floor they thought they could dance all night and eat those salty roasted Jamaican plantain chips. Then with a flash a fight broke out and in that instance bottles and bodies were thrown across the bar, men screaming and throwing blows from left to right. It wasn’t until he seen Zaierra being shoved out the door by three men in a black, Phileas reacted quickly by jumping out the open window to his left, he rushed towards the front door. He was caught off guard to a blow to the face, he seen another one coming from one of the three men guarding Zaierra, he quickly moved and threw an uppercut to his chin knocking him to the ground. The other two looked at each other in shock right as they seen Phileas approaching, they were saved once their get-a-way car came slamming on their brakes with a cloud of dust following causing Phileas to get lost in. After the dust cleared, they were gone. All that was left was her shawl and her bag of Jamaican plantain chips….

EOC Week 9: Three great mission statements

"Every bag of Phileas Fogg's Fried Plantain Chips sold, a meal will be provided for every child and adult in Haiti, including any other Third World country."

-I think this was a really great way to give people a sense of giving to those in need. They targeted anyone with a heart and its a tasty snack to people getting drunk in a bar who like to munch of salty foods. So those will hopefully be flying off the shelf. 

Our business aims to please the customers by creating social channels for our customers. The brands that we offer will keep our customers entertained and connected. We utilize feedback as a priority in order to keep our product on the competing edge of the snacking industry

-This statement wants people to get involved with one another. They show they mean business and only wish to please their customers. Its all about what the people want. Staying connected to one another getting people to break the ice, to get intimate, and step out of their own shells.

"Our company strives to unify the world through showcasing international foods and making them accessible for all to enjoy. All humans must eat and therefore, food is a perfect platform for sharing traditions of other cultures amongst each other. By using the finest product and ingredients, we help our customers travel far distances at their own convenience."

"all humans eat and therefore, food is a perfect platform" This is the perfect way for people who are different to share their cultures. Its a way to start conversations and share stories for people who are culturally diverse to intertwine with others. It gives you a feeling of eating healthy ingredients while you drink your lovely alcoholic beverage.

Implementation Evaluation Control


Target Market Strategy

"The marketing manager’s aim is to find, attract, keep, and grow target customers by creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value."

The market im trying to target would be the upscale bars and lounges. Maybe a few sports bars depends on the crowd I'm aiming for late 20s people who are done with college or are almost done. Who are looking to settle down these snacks are meant to bring people together so for me its more about the finding someone. When you are in your late 20s you dont go there just to get wasted. You are going there for a specific drink and a specific task to find someone. Thats the objective. People who are going to see the value in the snack versus the price of that snack.

"The company must first decide who it will serve. It does this by dividing the market into segments of customers (market segmentation) and selecting which segments it will go after (target marketing). "

Divide and conquer! By analyzing the trends and understanding what people are into these days is simple research. It's a great marketing strategy in my eyes also looking up your competitors see where they are hurting or the areas they are lacking in. If you can provide the same product with similar benefits but adding those bonus benefits that some companies cannot strive to do on their own. That is what makes you shine. that is what puts you out in front and makes you have this demand for the product. Get in touch with the right people you only need that one name and that one star to put your product on the map so how are you going to do it?


"Companies must take a holistic approach to managing this process. Successful new-product development requires a customer-centered, team-based, and systematic effort."

My product is Jamaican Salt Roasted Plantain Chips. They are chips just made from a different source plantains over potatoes. Jamaican plantains are native to India and are grown in the tropics. They will be picked ripe and they will be baked. They will be coated with olive oil and salt and pepper then baked for 12-14 minutes and taken out more salt and pepper will then be added, they will be packed,  shipped and then distributed.